
Updated 101 Reasons PDF for 2022!

Updated 101 Reasons PDF for 2022!

Posted By on Nov 28, 2022 |

Thanks to the hard work of liberty superactivist Justin O’Donnell, “101 Reasons to Liberty Lives in NH” has been completely re-done and updated in written form. It’s now called “Live Free and Thrive: 101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire, and So Should You!” You can download it here as a PDF, for free. It’s also available for Kindle and in paperback form. The original list, created two...

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Two years ago this month, on November 17th, 2014, the documentary about the amazing libertarian migration to New Hampshire premiered on YouTube.  It’s called, “101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire”.  Since then, it has been viewed over 115,000 times and it’s inspired countless liberty-lovers to pick up their lives and move to New Hampshire.   Last year, when I wrote the one-year retrospective for the first anniversary of the...

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One year later…

Posted By on Nov 19, 2015 |

It’s been a year since we released the film. I vividly remember the day before and the day of the release. I had a mixed bag of emotions – stressed, sad, happy, excited, hopeful, and nervous, among other emotions. Three months before the release date, Beau Davis, the film’s director, had moved in with me to work on the film’s post production. He was a great roommate! I’d wake up to see Beau working hard...

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Celebrating the Second Anniversary of Releasing “101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire”

Celebrating 60,000 Views!

Posted By on Jul 22, 2015 |

101 Reasons Liberty Lives in NH was released in November of 2014 and has eclipsed 60,000 views on YouTube! Thank you for helping make that happen by sharing the film! Can we make 100,000 by the end of 2015? Watch it here, in HD, free! Share...

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